With my grandfather Frank Ferrari in New York. It was his love of cooking that rubbed off on me. He started the famous Tappan Hill Restaurant in Tarrytown NY.
From 222 lbs. and size 38 waist
down to 168 lbs. and size 32 waist

Chef Mark Phillips

Hello From Mark

Thank you for visiting my site. I have been in professional sales and marketing for over 30 years in the food & beverage industry. I am also a chef and have a cooking channel on YouTube and Facebook where I show people how they can prepare fine dining restaurant quality meals at home. I’ve traveled all over the world and love to bring great tasting food ideas to my friends, family, and followers.

I’m blessed to be in great shape and fortunate that I am not on any prescription medications for my health. This is mainly due to eating a healthy diet and daily supplementation with vitamins and minerals. I have learned over the years that a person can prevent almost any chronic disease with proper food and nutrition. The biggest factor in having optimum health is what you put in your mouth. You would be shocked at what food manufacturing companies put in your food! So, I am going to do my best to teach people what I know.

Another part of staying healthy and disease free is maintaining proper weight. Are you wanting to lose weight but struggling to know how? Then learn from someone who has done it multiple times. I’ve lost 30 pounds in four months on a weight watcher diet without doing cardio or exercise. After gaining half of it back five years later, I lost 30 pounds in four months on the Atkins diet without doing cardio or exercise. Fast forward another five years and I gained half of the weight back, so I hired a personal trainer and lost 25 pounds in three months; this time with a strict diet and exercise.

I maintained a good weight for a few years and then like before, I let myself go a little bit, and gained half of my weight back. So, I decided it was time to get myself back in shape for good this time. After doing a deep dive into health and wellness, I followed the Eat to Live plan for a few months by giving up all soft drinks, bread, pasta, alcohol, and consuming more vegetables. I also learned the hidden dangers of sugar and processed foods, so I gave those things up too. Then I started to experiment in the kitchen with the Keto diet and learned some amazing recipes that were really very good and continued to lose even more weight. Four months later, I’m down 30 pounds and I’ve lost six inches off of my waist. Love handles and belly fat are gone! I feel great and have long lasting energy.

This site will be about all thing’s related to food and nutrition. We will showcase cooking and recipes along with healthy alternatives. We’ll discuss diets that work, and how to break through those frustrating plateaus. We’ll review the best culinary tools to use in the kitchen, and we’ll review restaurants and food from the grocery store. We will look at and review food labels and expose the tricks of the big food companies that get you addicted to their harmful food. Should you spend more money and buy organic? Should you get pasture raised of free-range eggs? Can you really prevent chronic disease by eating more greens, onions, and mushrooms? All these questions and more will be answered here.

We can’t overlook the importance of supplements either. Not all vitamins and minerals are created equal! We’ll discuss the 90 essential nutrients that your body needs every day to stay healthy. There are 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and three fatty acids that make up the 90 essential nutrients. Many people don’t want to spend the money on supplements and think that they can get all their nutrition from food; but you would need to consume a shopping cart full of food every day to get your proper nutrition needed to sustain a healthy body free from disease. And for those who do make the effort to supplement, we will review and discuss the important things to look out for in your vitamins and minerals. Many top brands of vitamins are synthetic, and not all minerals get absorbed!

Food has always brought joy to people, and there is nothing like spending quality time with friends, family, and loved ones around the dinner table. I’ll do my best to show you some great food ideas along with a side of health benefits to boot. Thank you again for stopping by. Feel free to contact me directly if you would like to share your own personal food and nutrition story. Many great things are ahead, especially in the kitchen. It’s going to be delicious! So stick around and we’ll show you how we make it.

